
Turley: Hunter Biden’s Judge Raised the Question the W.H. Most Fears, Was He a Foreign Agent and for What Purpose?

‘The president was that purpose’
By Grabien Staff


TURLEY: "Well, this is a big problem because this was all supposed to be scripted, it was all supposed to be easy. Now it’s off script and it's anything but easy because the judge just raised the one charge that the White House most fears, which is the chance that Hunter was a foreign agent. And if he was a foreign agent, the question is, foreign agent for who and for what purpose? The president was that purpose. If you are influence-peddling, it’s influence over the president. So if you go for FARA, it’s going to bring all of this stuff in, including some of these tax counts for 2014 and 2015 that the Department of Justice allowed to run, allowed the statute of limitations to expire. All of that can get bootstrapped into a FARA issue. So, the whole purpose of this deal is collapsing as we’re watching it, and it’s taken Washington by utter surprise. I was on the Hill talking with members and everyone was floored."

(Via RealClearPolitics)

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