
Turley on Hunter Defying Subpoena: Contempt of Congress Is a Federal Crime

‘The Department of Justice aggressively pursued people like Bannon and Navarro for not appearing before the committee’
By Grabien Staff

TURLEY: "Well, there are about four articles of impeachment that are the most likely to be pursued by the committee. One of them is obstruction, another is the abuse of power. Having the president involved in advance, in any way, to the contempt of Congress, is the worst possible scenario for the Biden team. I can’t imagine how that could have occurred. It’s not that you’re telling a father not to speak to his son. But you give very clear instructions that — it’s in neither of your interests for to you discuss his testimony before Congress. It certainly wouldn’t be in your interest to talk about the potential commission of a federal crime, contempt of Congress is a federal crime and the Department of Justice aggressively pursued people like Bannon and navarro for not appearing before the committee. So if he knew that in advance and supported it, it just gives another front for Congress to pursue this inquiry."

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