
UAW President Tells CNN He Can’t See ‘Any Way in Hell a Union Would Endorse’ Trump: ‘Stands Against Everything Working Class People Stand For’

‘I mean, his two favorite words are, ‘You’re fired’’
By Grabien Staff


ARROYO: “They are taking their time, Joe Biden, God bless him can’t find exit off the podium or out of a crisis like this. You need strong action with actors like Iran. This regime does not understand, you spent majority lifting sanctions and offering waivers so companies could work on nuclear program which Biden did in 2022. Giving them palettes of money. It sends a message of weakness and conveys that to Iran. They are afraid of regional conflict, when you lead with that, you can’t repel them with force. You are telling them where you are going to attack targets in Syria and Iraq. This is a weak approach.”

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