
U.K. Editor Who Prompted Trump’s ‘Nasty’ Quip About Meghan Markle Calls Controversy ‘a Bit Overblown’

‘It’s not a huge play here’
By Grabien Staff


NEWTON DUNN: "Well, I think this is all a bit of a row about semantics. He clearly said the words 'I didn’t know she was nasty.' That’s on tape. We played the tape. We’ve had it on our website since we published the whole interview. So, I don’t think that’s in dispute. Perhaps what is in dispute is what he meant by that. Now, if he finished the sentence, 'I didn’t know she was nasty about me, or to me,' then clearly he would have been referring to the fact that she was pretty disparaging about the President during his 2016 election campaign. Therefore, it leaves it open he might have been saying that she was being nasty, full per se, a nasty person. It feels like it’s a little bit of a row. Perhaps a bit overblown. I have to say it’s not a huge play here. Prince Harry has just been to lunch with the President. Some suggestions he might have been a bit grumpy over lunch, although we haven’t quite confirmed that as yet. But —"
BALDWIN: "Who 'he'? Harry or the President?"
NEWTON DUNN: "Prince Harry, apparently. He was holding back and the Queen then took the President around a Buckingham Palace to show him various historical artifacts, various gifts from former presidents, including one from himself which he seemed to have forgotten about giving last year. But Prince Harry came into the room late. He was with the lunch party, but held back, didn’t mingle with the lunch party, which I think raised a few eyebrows but that just may be us horrible journalists' idle speculation."

(h/t Mediaite)

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