
University of Minnesota Professor Says the U.S. Is an Occupier and Needs To Be ‘Decolonized’

‘We are in the belly of the beast’
By Grabien Staff


YAZZIE: “And what we really want you to take away tonight is, as Anthony said, we’re in the Belly of the beast, right? We’re all indigenous people who come from nations that are under occupation by the United States government. And, of course, the U.S. bankrolls the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. They are one and the same really, and so it’s our responsibility as people who are within the United States to go as hard as possible to decolonize this place, because that will reverberate all across the world, because the U.S. is the greatest predator empire that has ever existed, right? And so, we want U.S. out of everywhere. We want U.S. out of Palestine. We want U.S. out of Turtle Island, right?”

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