
Van Hollen: The U.S. Shouldn’t Provide More Offensive Military Weapons to Israel Unless It Makes Changes in Terms of Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

‘Not to stop them permanently, but to effectively use our leverage’
By Grabien Staff


VAN HOLLEN: "Yes, when they comply with the terms of NSM-20 and when they meet President Biden's requests. This — this partnership cannot be a one-way street. So, my view is that the president needs to do what he said he was going to do, which is see if the Netanyahu government is going to implement these changes in terms of allowing more humanitarian assistances. And we should measure that by people not starving to death, people being able to get medical equipment, kids not being able to — not having amputations without anesthesia. So, we have a long way to go. And until — until those conditions are met, then, no, we should not be sending more offensive weapons to Israel — not to stop them permanently, but to effectively use our leverage. That's what we're asking the president of the United States to do."

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