
Victor Davis Hanson: We Kicked Over 8000 People from the U.S. Military for Being Unvaccinated, Yet We Don’t Do the Same with Millions of Immigrants

‘And I don’t know how are going to rectify 8 to 10 million who will come by 2024, the end of the year’
By Grabien Staff


DAVIS HANSON: “Absolutely. I live in a community that is impacted by it. You can see it every day. And people who rely on social services for things like diabetes treatment or kidney dialysis, things like that, the social services are swamped. And the irony is that we are treating people who are here illegally and reside unlawfully, we’re treating them better than citizens. We are emptying schools out so they can occupy these schools as quarters, and then the students are deprived of person-to-person teaching experiences. It’s crazy. The citizen is secondary to the Illegal immigrant. We got rid of 8400 people out of the military because they did not want to get an mRNA vaccination. Many of them had herd immunity. And yet we don’t ask any of these people, ‘Have you been vaccinated? What is your health records?’ It’s almost — I mean, if you wanted to really destroy America, it would be harder to think of a better way to do it than just invite 8 to 10 million people, and that is what is going to come during the Biden Administration, invite them in without any audit or background or with any means of support, and especially with the attitude that they have no respect for the host. It’s like going to a person’s home and saying, ‘You know what? I don’t like this and I don’t like that, and here are my conditions by which I will stay as your guest.’ We have got it all wrong. We need to really, psychologically especially, change our attitude. And I don’t know how are going to rectify 8 to 10 million who will come by 2024, the end of the year. It’s going to be very difficult for the next decade or two.”

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