
Victoria Nuland: ‘If We Don‘t Stop Putin in Ukraine, He Will Keep Going’

‘This is not just about Ukraine’
By Grabien Staff


NULAND: “Well, thank you, Christiane. That’s the point that President Biden is making as well, and that 70 senators made just last week in passing overwhelmingly the administration’s supplemental request, including $60 billion for Ukraine. So now, the question is in the House of Representatives. And support for Ukraine across the United States is still strong. So, we hope that representatives will reflect that in the way they vote. And it’s strong, not just because people understand how brave and resilient Ukraine has been, but that this is not just about Ukraine. If we don’t stop Putin in Ukraine, he will keep going. And autocrats and tyrants all around the world will take comfort and think that they too can chunk off a piece of their neighbor. So, this is absolutely essential.”

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