
Vin Gupta on Masks: We Need a Law, Like We Passed Laws for Banning Indoor Smoking

‘The fact is, we passed laws for banning indoor smoking because we know exposure to second-hand smoke is detrimental to your health’
By Grabien Staff


GUPTA: "I think we need a law, Willie. And -- and the fact is, we passed laws for banning indoor smoking because we know exposure to second-hand smoke is detrimental to your health. And you can’t just rely on recommendations, unfortunately. Behaviors are behaviors. Human beings are peculiar. And a lot tend to be cynical. And I understand why people don’t want to wear masks. I don’t want to wear a mask if I can avoid it. I’m sure you don’t want to wear a mask if you can avoid it. It’s frightening to children. So -- but now is the time for urgency. We do not have time to assure all Americans along on this policy. We have to be strong. And that’s why I think what really got to me was the security guard in Michigan at the Family Dollar store who was trying to require somebody to wear a mask before entering that store and he got shot and killed. And there’s been other stories similar. Violence in a Target store in Los Angeles. Other similar stories. We can’t have this. We need to hold the line and that’s why we need strength here. And just the symbolism of that type of policy will keep infection control at the top of mind at a time when the CDC is saying, by the way, you don’t have to worry about cleaning your workspace anymore. That’s not the type of message we need from our public health institutions. We need infection control at the top of mind. Go ahead and keep cleaning your workplace right now because you know, that act is going to help us realize we’re battling this for the foreseeable future."

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