
Vivek Ramaswamy: Donald Trump Was Not Responsible for What Happened on Jan. 6th

‘The allegations in this indictment fall flat’
By Grabien Staff


RAMASWAMY: “The allegations in this indictment fall flat. It is wrong and incorrect and inaccurate to place blame for what happened on January 6th at the feet of Donald Trump. I said this at the time, I’ve said it ever since then, I continued to say it today: I would not have made the same judgments that Donald Trump did in how he handled that day, but that’s different from saying that he committed a crime. He did not. He specifically told the protesters that day to behave peacefully. The First Amendment in this country gives political protesters the ability to express themselves and their opinions freely. Donald Trump was not responsible for what happened on January 6th. You want to know what was responsible? I said this in the days after January 6, 2021, just as I say it today: systematic, pervasive censorship in this country. That was after a year where we had told people across this nation that you had to stay locked down in your house in your basement and shut up, sit down, do as you’re told. If you question that, you’re racist, you’re anti-science, your social media accounts were silenced, you had to stay home and lock down unless you were part of BLM or Antifa, in which case it was perfectly fine to roam the streets of this country and burn many of them down. That was the double standard that then applied and said that if you said the virus originated in lab in Wuhan, you were again a racist and had your internet accounts shut down. You were then told you had an election where you could express yourself to put the right person in charge of fixing these problems, and instead your accounts were suppressed if you sent a mere message saying that the Hunter Biden laptop story from the New York Post was real. You had your accounts locked, even the New York Post had its own account locked. And if you repeatedly then tell people they cannot speak, that is when they scream. If you repeatedly tell people they cannot scream, that is when they tear things down. And I think we are making a grave mistake in this country by trying to pin the blame for that at the feet of one man.”

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