
Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m Going to Reduce 75% of Government

‘I run my businesses the same way, call out the underperformers’
By Grabien Staff


RAMASWAMY: "Lie from, you know, underperforming employees, they’re going to try to, you know, hold a situation hostage when a guy’s profile is rising, but it is total trash. It’s exactly what we’re going to see more of. I expect we’re going to see much of this coming out over the course of the presidential campaign. I’m ready for that. If you can’t handle the heat, you stay out of the kitchen. The truth of of the matter is I’m ready for that in the next eight years, firing underperforming employees. Many of them are not going to be happy about it sitting in cush jobs in the federal government. I run my businesses the same way, call out the underperformers, that’s why I’ve had such great success, frankly, in leading a business that delivered five FDA-approved medicines, to build a multimillion biotech company from scratch, launching strive to compete against blackrock, JPMorgan took two years to get to the same place, really changing behaviors in corporate America’s boardrooms, getting them to focus less on toxic politics.”

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