
VP Harris: Dropping Migrants at My Doorstep Is ‘Political Showmanship’ and ‘It’s Just Irresponsible’

‘Human beings should not be treated as pawns in a political game’
By Grabien Staff


HARRIS: "So first of all, let's agree that people should not be the pawns in a political game. Human beings should not be treated as pawns in a political game. What is happening in terms of sending these migrants, most of whom have flee great harm, and sending them across the country for the sake of some political showmanship, it's just irresponsible. If you want to deal with the problem, then do it if you are a leader by participating in the solution. And one very clear solution, very significant solution, has been in front of us for years now. We need to pass immigration reform. You know, there was a time where George Bush, John McCain, others who -- people who differed on many other issues agreed, let's be sensible and solution oriented on this issue. And I think it's a tragedy that we are instead witnessing gamesmanship. And again, these are human beings and we should be responsible if we call ourselves leaders."


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