
#WalkAway Founder: To Be on the Left Now Means You Have To Be Hostile Toward White People, Hostile Toward Men

‘A friend of mine came to me and showed me something that pointed out clearly how dishonest the media was in the Donald Trump campaign’
By Grabien Staff


STRAKA: "Before the election, I was already starting to feel uncomfortable with where we were headed in terms of identity politics and 3 C. Culture. I became a liberal, I’m against racism, sexism, discrimination because of sexual orientation. But to be on the left means that you basically have to be hostile toward white people, have to be hostile toward men, you have to find hetero normal to be different. I was uncomfortable with. A friend of mine came to me and showed me something that pointed out clearly how dishonest the media was in the Donald Trump campaign. How they would isolate moments from his behavior and make it appear as though he were a racist or big on the. I didn’t realize. This I thought CNN told the truth. I thought MSNBC told the truth. I thought Rachel madow told the truth. I went on a quest to find out more, it was blind blowing, what other things aren’t they being honest about. Which it turns out was quite a lot." 

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