
Wasserman Schultz: We‘re Going to Mount the Most Significant Reelection Campaign that Any Presidential Reelection Campaign Has Ever Run

‘And make sure that the better days ahead will continue with Joe Biden’
By Grabien Staff


WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: “You know, I'm confident that from now until November, we‘re going to mount the most significant reelection campaign that any presidential reelection campaign has ever run. They‘re going to run on Joe Biden‘s remarkable record of job creation, the most in modern times, investments and infrastructure. They just announced $50 million that are coming from the infrastructure bill to my district at Fort Lauderdale Airport, Hollywood International Airport. $1.1 billion came to our community for Everglades restoration. This is happening all over the country, and voters are going to go to the polls and reward Joe Biden because the chaos and pain that would return if Donald Trump were president, including a Muslim ban that he committed to reinstate as soon as he takes office again, that‘s the kind of stark contrast that voters are going to reject, returning to Trump, the Trump days, and make sure that the better days ahead will continue with Joe Biden."

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