
Watters: Capitol Fence for SOTU Is to ‘Stigmatize Half the Country Is Dangerous’

‘They will call you names, treat you like ogres’
By Grabien Staff


WATTERS: “Right now, as we speak, Washington is erecting a fence around the Capitol in anticipation of Biden’s State of the Union tomorrow. Not a fence around the border, a fence around Biden who thinks he needs protection from you while he does not provide protection from them. Now, this fence is a sinister symbol to stigmatize half the country is dangerous, to justify his crackdown. Even though we outnumber them, they are powerful and will overwhelm you with shame from now until November. They will call you names, treat you like ogres, threaten you, threaten your job, your family, your status. This will be an all-out war by Biden’s alliance against the American people in the name of saving democracy, which is the most cynical part of this. They will try to separate you from your senses, your instincts, from your conscience. You know what’s right and wrong, but they will get in between you and your heart and they will make you doubt it. This election will not be about policy. That’s the last thing they want it to be. It will be a blood sport, the ugliest campaign in American history. Now usually it’s the politician who gets destroyed, but now they are targeting you. So prepare yourself and stay strong."

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