
Watters Features Migrant Caravan Docu: ‘Biden Has a 100% Approval with Migrants, at Least They Can’t Vote, Yet’

‘Every step of the journey is facilitated by nonprofits’
By Grabien Staff


[Clip starts]
RUBIN (as subtitled): “Why do migrants like Biden?”
MIGRANTS (as subtitled): “Because Biden supports the migrants! (...) Trump is not good. Trump does not want migrants!”
RUBIN: “All migrants support President Biden in the election?”
RUBIN: “Migrants prefer President Biden or President Trump?”
MIGRANTS: “Biden!”
RUBIN: “Why do you like Joe Biden?”
UNKNOWN MALE: “Joe Biden is a nice guy.”
MIGRANTS (chant): “Biden! Biden! Biden! Biden! Biden! Biden!”
[Clip ends]
WATTERS: “Biden a has 100 percent approval rating with the migrants. At least they can’t vote, yet.”


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