
‘We Don’t Ever Take a Plea Deal!’ Trump Goes Off on ‘Wise Guy’ Question About Taking Deal in Georgia Election Case

‘This is Joe Biden, because he can’t win the election by himself’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “We did nothing wrong. We don’t ever take a plea deal. We don’t take plea deals. It’s a wise guy question. You’re just a wise guy. We don’t take plea deals because I did nothing wrong. It’s called election interference. You know what that is? Because these indictments are going out by Biden, who can’t even put two sentences together. This is Joe Biden, because he can’t win the election by himself. He can’t win the election based on votes. So what they did is they got the attorney general to do it. And then you see how stupid they acted yesterday with the appointment of the special counsel. They call it special counsel. And what a crazy thing that was. And it’s being laughed at all over the world. The fact is that we have a country that’s in serious trouble. We have a country that’s in major decline. I don’t mean decline, I mean major decline. And we’re going to straighten it out. This group and a lot of people just like this group. We’re going to straighten it out and we’re going to make America great again. Wise guy. Thank you very much.”

(via Mediaite)

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