
‘We Failed as a Country’: Bill Kristol on the Lack of ‘Accountability’ Post Capitol Hill Riot

‘It has not been a success story of accountability in my view’
By Grabien Staff


KRISTOL: “I’m happy that they’re going up the ladder, finally, as it were. The Justice Department did a good job, I think, locking up hundreds of people who assaulted the Capitol, assaulted Capitol Police. The people Donald Trump calls hostages, unfairly persecuted, who he’s going to pardon. There are people in D.C. jail, 27 of the 29 who are there now, have been convicted or are about to stand trial for assaulting Capitol Police. So, these are the wonderful people Trump is promising to pardon and salutes at his rallies. But we failed as a country, let’s be honest, I think, about getting above that level, right? Who’s gone to jail? Who’s been punished? Who’s been held accountable? Finally, maybe Donald Trump maybe will go to trial for January 6th, three and a half years after what happened happened. And now we have some state attorneys general, and I respect them, trying to look into this. But again, it’s not been a while. So it has not been a success story of accountability in my view.”

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