
Weissmann: ‘Fani Willis, for This Case To Be Protected, Really Needs to Remove Herself Voluntarily’

‘I really think it’s not just Wade who obviously is going to be removed’
By Grabien Staff


WEISSMANN: “You cannot take the stand and give anything less than candid testimony. The fact that they did not understand that the cover-up was going to be the problem, that is why the judge here had such harsh words for what happened. He was not troubled by what actually happened in terms of their relationship. That is not what he’s focusing on. He is focusing on the conduct in terms of what happened at the hearing, you know, as rightly he should be. And the reason it is so infuriating is because it damages this case. That’s why I really think it’s not just Wade, who obviously is going to be removed, but I think Fani Willis, for this case to be protected, really needs to remove herself voluntarily so that this doesn’t linger and this case can go forward in the strongest possible way, because the judge has found — just to repeat it, the judge has found there is no prejudice to the defendants here."

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