
W.H.’s Bernstein Insists ‘Bidenomics’ Is Working, But Pollsters Are Asking Wrong Questions

‘I want to talk about poll results that ask about the specific components of Bidenomics’
By Grabien Staff


BERNSTEIN: "But let me talk a little bit about 'Bidenomics' and people’s sentiment about it. I think the polls that you’re reflecting are oftentimes very much 30,000 or 40,000 feet up. I’m not discounting them, by the way, I know they’re real, but I want to tell you a little bit about some poll results that ask about the specific components of 'Bidenomics', okay? 82% support capping insulin costs for seniors at $35 a month. 81% support giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prescription drugs, which, by the way, is now very much in the system and it's helping to reduce the deficit. The other point you just raised, it cuts the deficit by $100 billion over 10 years. 79% support creating tax incentives to create more manufacturing jobs. 800,000 manufacturing jobs since this president has got here, and some really great investment indicators with investment coming off the sidelines. 77% support capping out-of-pocket costs on prescription drugs. That’s also coming into play. Now, look, my point is that you can barely get Americans — 80% of Americans to agree on anything. And here they are, line after line, agreeing about the importance of the components of 'Bidenomics'. So I think it’s an inaccurate narrative to declare that somehow 'Bidenomics' isn’t working or that it’s not favorably received by people when you drill down into what it actually is."

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