
W.H.’s Kirby: If Republicans Are Serious About Immigration Reform, They Should Take Up Pres. Biden’s Proposal

‘Congress basically ignored it’
By Grabien Staff


KIRBY: "I won't get ahead of the president's decision-making, George. I’ll tell you that in that supplemental request that we put forward, yep, there's money for Ukraine which we desperately need. There's money for Israel. There’s also money for border security. On day one of this administration, he put forward an immigration reform plan that has yet to be acted on. Congress basically ignored it. If they're serious about immigration reform, they ought to take that proposal up by the president. They also ought to also pass our supplemental request, all four of the major buckets in there, which also includes money for the Indo-Pacific, is important to our national security. We urge Congress to act on all of that immediately."

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