
‘What a Stunning, Stunning Fall This Is for Him’: Andrew Kirtzman on Giuliani’s Defamation Verdict

‘It’s an epic disaster for a man whose life has been marked by epic disasters and also epic victories’
By Grabien Staff


KIRTZMAN: "I was with him on 9/11. You know, we all know what happened after that. One of the things that happened, he became staggeringly wealthy. I mean, Giuliani has had one of the most stunning rise and falls of any figure in our history. But he has fallen so low, so low that right now he is near bankrupt. He is facing jail, right, he’s being sued in ten civil suits. He’s basically more or less been disbarred in two states. He’s the subject of a sexual harassment suit. So this is not even bottom for Rudy Giuliani. But what a stunning, stunning fall this is for him."

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