
What Joe Scarborough Told the NRA as Candidate vs. What He Said Today

‘The NRA must elect & support candidates who will view the gun rights issue as a constitutional battle’
By Grabien Staff

[Update:Joe Scarborough responded to this post on Twitter]

Via a 2013 Daily Caller report, here is what Joe Scarborough — currently advocating for new gun control laws in the wake of the Parkland school shooting — told the NRA about as a congressional candidate:

And here is Scarborough today accusing gun manufacturers of "profiting off of children being slaughtered in school":

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Here is what Scarborough told the NRA about "assault rifles":

And here is Scarborough this morning saying "it's not a constitutional right to have assault weapons":

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Here is Scarborough telling the NRA he opposes the expansion of federal background checks:

And here is Scarborough this morning suggesting the NRA spurred the Oklahoma City bombing:

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Here is Scaborough telling the NRA he opposes any bans on firearms, magazines, etc.:

And here is Scarborough this morning calling Trump a "coward" for taking the same positions on guns as Candidate Scarborough:

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