
While Chastising Trump on Grammar CNN’s Stelter Calls Marine Corps, ‘Corpse’

‘For the last, you know, 16, 17 months, the president’s Twitter account has had all sorts of typos, misspellings, errors, things like that’
By Grabien Staff


STELTER: "We are only interested in the president’s typos because they are a part of a pattern. This one was particularly funny or embarrassing or whatever because it involved the First Lady. For the last, you know, 16, 17 months, the president’s Twitter account has had all sorts of typos, misspellings, errors, things like that.  And it does have people talking, not just English teachers, but a lot of people are talking about why the misspelling or sloppiness matters. He's misspelled council, and weather, Marine Corps, unprecedented -- lots of different words. The president was not elected to be a spelling bee champ. If you get the smaller stuff right while the big stuff matters. It’s not just the president’s Twitter feed it also happens on White House announcements on press releases and official statements. Sometimes these have big, big meanings when you say Iran had versus Iran has nuclear weapons and those sort of issues have been problematic. I think the bottom line, guys, everybody needs an editor. Even the president’s Twitter feed."

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