
Wray on Bank of America Providing Gun Purchase Records to the FBI: ‘Happens All the Time’

‘My understanding is that the institution in question shared information with us, as happens all the time’
By Grabien Staff


MASSIE: “George Hill, former FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst in the Boston Field Office told us that the Bank of America with no legal process was gave to the FBI gun purchase records with -- with no geographical boundaries for anybody that was a Bank of America customer. Is that true?”
WRAY: “Well, what I do know is that the a number of business community partners all the time, including financial institutions share information with us about possible criminal activity. And my understanding is that that's fully lawful.”
MASSIE: “Did you --”
WRAY: “In this specific --”
MASSIE: “-- did you ask for that information?”
WRAY: “-- in this specific instance that you're asking about? My understanding is that that information was shared with field offices for information only, but then recalled to avoid even the appearance of any kind of overreach. But my understanding is that that's a fully lawful process.”
MASSIE: “Was there a warrant involved?”
WRAY: “Again, my understanding is that the institution in question shared information with us, as happens all the time.”


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