
Yossi Kuperwasser on Militants Infiltrating Israel from Gaza: ‘I’m Sure That the Iranians Are Involved’

‘We know that the leadership of Hamas together with the leadership of Hezbollah were meeting recently the leadership of Iran in Lebanon and in Iran’
By Grabien Staff


KUPERWASSER: “Well, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad is involved as well, and both of them are working very closely with Iran, that provides them with the arms, the technologies, the ideas how to operate with the guidance, with financial aid, so all of that is coming also, I guess, from close relationship with the Iranians. We know that the leadership of Hamas, together with the leadership of Hezbollah, were meeting recently with the leadership of Iran in Lebanon and in Iran. So I am sure that the Iranians are involved with Hamas leadership calls on the Palestinians in the West Bank to join in as well. They call on Israeli Arabs to join (inaudible). Rockets are falling on the heads of Israeli Arabs. I hope they realize who’s on their side and who is against them. And, of course, they hope that the Hezbollah will take some actions as well. We shall have to be prepared to face any such eventuality. And hope we will be able to deter them by taking harsh measures against Hamas in Gaza, so that we discourage other elements from joining in.”

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