
44 Special vs 44 Magnum: Battle of the Big Bore Revolvers

Are you wondering which classic big-bore handgun cartridge to load in your favorite wheel-gun? Check out our .44 Special Vs .44 Magnum showdown.

The .44 Smith & Wesson Special is well over a century old. Although insanely popular in the early 20th century, the Special almost went the way of the dinosaur after the introduction of its faster, harder-hitting, and more popular younger brother, the .44 Remington Magnum. The .44 Spl has been mostly kept alive by custom handloaders and cowboy action shooters.

While there’s no doubt the .44 Rem Mag puts a ton more speed and energy downrange, that performance comes with a price. Many shooters find the Magnum’s recoil difficult to control. Meanwhile, the .44 Spl’s recoil is mild as milk.

Not sure which of these classic big-bore handgun cartridges you should load in your six-gun? Pull on your boots, because we’re about to dive deep into the world of .44-caliber cartridges.

What is the Difference Between .44 Mag and .44 Special?

The .44 Remington Magnum (better known as simply .44 Mag) and .44 Smith & Wesson Special (also called .44 S&W Special, .44 Special, and .44 Spl) actually have more similarities than differences. Both cartridges were originally designed for big bore revolvers. Both fire heavyweight .429-inch (10.9 mm) bullets. And both are fine options for hunting and home defense.

The main difference is in the case dimensions. The .44 Mag uses a stretched-out .44 Spl case. The extra space allows loaders to pack 4.4 more grains of propellant into the .44 Mag. While that might not seem like a lot, that additional powder produces faster velocities, flatter trajectories, and heftier downrange energy.

While shooters can (and often do) argue ethereal concepts like “stopping power” and “shootability” until the cows come home, the numbers simply don’t lie. Here’s how the cartridge stats measure up.

Cartridge Specs: .44 Magnum vs .44 Special

Stand these two cartridges side by side, and the differences in dimensions seem insignificant. You’ll need to bust out your eyeglasses and a good ruler to measure the dimension variations.

There’s very little difference in overall length, although the .44 Spl case is about an ⅛ of an inch shorter. However, that extra ⅛ of an inch makes for a roomier casing. The extra case space holds slightly more powder, and slightly more powder creates more pressure. Higher pressure generates more energy and pushes the bullet at a higher velocity.

Can You Shoot .44 Special in a .44 Magnum Handgun?

Yes. If you have a .44 Mag, it can safely handle .44 Spl cartridges. In fact, if you want some low recoil practice with your magnum revolver, this is a good way to do it.

However, the opposite isn’t true. Because .44 Magnum cartridges are loaded to much higher pressures, running them through a revolver chambered for .44 Spl could have catastrophic results for both the shooter and the handgun.


According to physics, the extra propellant packed into that slightly longer .44 Magnum case should generate more recoil. (That’s Newton’s Third Law for those of us who’ve been out of school for a while. “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”)

However, the weight of the gun and the weight of the projectile it’s firing also affect the amount of recoil produced.

A heavier handgun will produce less felt recoil, because the mass of the gun absorbs some of that rearward force. Thankfully, manufacturers understand this. That’s why most..44 Magnum handguns have a little more heft than the typical .44 Special.

You can also tame the .44 Magnum's relatively wild recoil by shooting loads with lighter bullets. Shooting heavier bullets causes more buck than shooting lighter bullets.

If we try to get all the exterior factors as close to equal as possible, the .44 Mag still throws some powerful recoil. In comparison, the .44 Special is softer than a newborn kitten.

While plenty of gun guys (and gals) scoff at shooters who complain about recoil, it can have a major effect on accuracy. Heavy recoil not only takes some fun out of the shooting experience but also makes it hard to get back on target. Hefty recoil requires a little extra recovery effort.

Sure, some people handle recoil better than others. However, even the scoffing macho dudes at the gun range will shoot more accurately with a milder recoiling cartridge like the .44 Spl.


As we said, the .44 Mag has a slightly longer case than the .44 Spl. It’s amazing what a mere 4.4 grains of extra case capacity can achieve. It can increase the muzzle velocity of a 200-grain JHP by 150%.

To ensure we had as close to an apples-to-apples comparison as possible, we looked at Nosler’s load data.

Velocity affects penetration, especially when shooting non-expanding projectiles like jacketed hollow points. Basically, the faster a bullet is traveling when it contacts the target, the deeper it will penetrate.

Velocity also affects bullets designed to deform on impact (think soft points and hollow points). If an expanding bullet hits the target at a slower rate of speed, it may fail to expand.

Deep penetration can be either a blessing or a curse, depending on the scenario. If you need to bust through the tough hide, bone, and muscle of a charging bear, penetration is a good thing. In a self-defense situation, where your children are sleeping on the other side of the wall behind the “bad guy”, too much penetration can have fatal consequences.


Comparing the accuracy of two different cartridges is a tricky affair. Accuracy is a complex formula of ballistics, firearm design, and marksmanship. And the equation leans heavily on shooter skills.

Both the Mag and the Special are used by serious bullseye competitors, which proves both are capable of consistent accuracy.

However, the zippier speed produced by the Magnum definitely gives it an edge in the accuracy/trajectory department. Because the .44 Mag cruises about 1.5 times faster than the .44 Special, it spends less time getting to the target. That means there’s less time for wind and gravity to pull the bullet off course.

At typical self-defense ranges, there isn’t time to see serious bullet drop or wind drift. If you need to stretch the effective range of your pistol or wheel gun, you’ll want to have the .44 Mag on your side.

We should also point out that there are plenty of lever rifles that pack .44 Mag, and the longer barrels definitely support a flatter trajectory and better long-range accuracy.

As we mentioned earlier, the effects of recoil on shooter accuracy shouldn’t be denied. The gentler .44 Special is definitely easier to control, especially when it comes to making accurate follow-up shots.

Kinetic Energy/Stopping Power

“Stopping power” is one of those terms that gets tossed around as shooters try to qualify the effectiveness of certain cartridges. Generally defined as how effectively the round can terminate a threat or drop a game animal, “stopping power” is a complicated subject.

Stopping a human threat and humanely harvesting an animal are two very different things. When a hunter shoots an animal, it may not drop dead in its tracks. However, with a well-placed shot, the animal will eventually succumb to blood loss. As long as the hunter knows how to follow a blood trail, he recovers the animal, and the hunt is still deemed a success.

Shooters in a life-or-death self-defense situation don’t have the luxury of waiting for an armed aggressor to bleed out. Stopping the attacker is the goal here, and that doesn’t necessarily mean death (although that is often the end result).

Successfully stopping a threat depends on shot placement, penetration, number of shots on target, and sometimes the proper alignment of the stars. An aggressor jacked on adrenaline and/or drugs could swat off several shots to center mass and keep charging. Another might decide to rethink his life after a grazing superficial wound.

So, basically “stopping power” is difficult to quantify. However, we can easily track a cartridge’s kinetic energy through the powers of math.

Kinetic energy is equal to half the mass of the bullet times its velocity squared. Because .44 Mag hums along at a significantly higher velocity than .44 Spl, it also carries a ton more kinetic energy with it. When the bullet makes impact, much of that kinetic energy is transferred to the target, sending concussive energy through soft tissue.


When choosing a round for hunting, it is important to make sure the cartridge can effectively and ethically harvest whatever game animal you’re pursuing. For hunting, either with a rifle or a handgun, the .44 Remington Magnum is capable of taking even the toughest game animals.

However, you won’t want to stretch your shooting range too far. The .44 Mag is a close- to mid-range cartridge.

Most .44 Mag hunting loads leave the barrel with around 1000 ft/lbs of energy. They maintain a good portion of that energy out to 50 yards. Since few handgun hunters risk shots beyond 50 yards, the Mag has enough oomph to handle close-range coyotes, wild boar, black bears, and even whitetail deer.

And because the Mag can be loaded into both handguns and rifles, it can serve as a handy, dual-purpose cartridge.

Another advantage of the .44 Mag is that it is a straight-walled cartridge. The non-necked design makes it a viable option for areas that restrict hunting with necked-down cartridges.

The slower .44 Spl carries less energy. Add that to its limited penetration potential, and the Special isn’t exactly a stellar hunting cartridge. However, I’ve known a few old-timers who claim to have tagged a few whitetails with their Special. The key is good shot placement at close range.

For close-range varmints and small game, the milder .44 Special works just fine.

Self-Defense/Home Defense

When you look at numbers like velocity and kinetic energy, it is apparent that the .44 Mag is a powerful performer. If it’s strong enough to take down a black bear, it can certainly stop two-legged predators.

However, when a heavyweight bullet rips through the air at Magnum velocities, over-penetration can be a serious concern. Too much penetration in a densely populated area, or when loved ones may be on the other side of a door, can cause catastrophic collateral damage.

The Magnum’s substantial recoil also makes getting multiple shots on target quickly a real challenge. In a high-adrenaline situation, taming that wild recoil takes serious muscle and concentration.

Because the .44 Special has mild recoil and more limited penetration potential, it is the safer option for home defense. But is the Special capable of stopping a dangerous threat?

The .44 Spl’s ballistics aren’t too far off from the .45 ACP, which remains a popular option for both law enforcement and civilian personal defense. So, yes, the Special is definitely a viable defensive cartridge.

Ammo and Handgun Cost/Availability

The .44 Special was almost completely replaced after .44 Mag hit the ammo scene. However, it has made a resurgence in recent years, although it is still much less popular than its Magnum offspring.

That means there’s plenty more .44 Magnum ammo and firearm variety. You’ll find revolvers and semi-auto pistols chambered in .44 Mag. You can also find .44 Mag bolt-action, break-action, semi-automatic, and lever rifles.

Finding anything other than .44 Special revolver probably isn’t in the cards. However, you can shoot .44 Spl ammo in most .44 Magnum firearms.

The .44 Spl also has a more limited ammo selection. For example, Hornady has a single Special self-defense load compared to four different options for .44 Mag. The vast majority of .44 Spl loads are marketed for cowboy action shooting.

Battle of the Big Bore Revolvers: learn more about 44 Special vs 44 Magnum here.

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