
A Man Who Claims He Had Sex with Barack Obama in 1999 Tells His Story

‘Hold up in a bar, outside and there’s the sky that’s introduced to me as Barack Obama’
By Grabien Staff


UNKNOWN: “Yeah. Hold up in a bar outside and there’s this guy that’s introduced to me as Barack Obama. I had given Barack $250 to pay for coke. I start putting a line on a CD tray to snort, and next thing I know, he’s got a little pipe and he’s smoking. So, I just started rubbing my hand along his thigh to see where it was going and it went the direction I had intended it to go.”

CARLSON: “Even though you had sex with him twice, you did cocaine with him, watched him smoke crack twice, you had no idea who he was?”

UNKNOWN: “I had no idea who he was.”

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