
‘A Very Concerted Effort to Win Over Non-White Voters’: Kight on Trump’s Bronx Rally

‘They are trying to expand the kind of voters that are willing to come out and vote for the former president’
By Grabien Staff


KIGHT: “Exactly. I mean, of course, the chances of the former president winning New York are very slim. It is still an incredibly blue state. But the fact that he did go to The Bronx goes to show just how seriously he and his campaign are trying to court a new block of voters. They have made a very concerted effort to win over non-white voters, speaking directly to black voters and Hispanic voters. Of course, the area of The Bronx where he visited is a largely Hispanic neighborhood and a very multi-racial crowd showed up there, especially for a Trump rally. It really does show us that he is taking that seriously, that they’re going to lean into that. They are trying to expand the kind of voters that are willing to come out and vote for the former president, even if New York as a state is not really on the table. We are seeing him win over more and more voters that in the past would be unlikely Republican voters.”

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