
Aaron Rodgers Alleges Jimmy Kimmel Is Included in Jeffrey Epstein’s List

‘There’s a lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, who are really hoping that doesn’t come out’
By Grabien Staff


HAWK: “Does that have something to do with the Epstein list that came out?”
McAFEE: “Feels like it. Feels like it.”
RODGERS: “That’s coming out soon. That’s supposed to be coming out soon. There’s a lot of people — “
McAFEE: “This guy has been waiting in his wine cellar. ‘I’ve been waiting in my wine cellar for this thing.’”
RODGERS: “A lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, are really hoping that it doesn’t — “
McAFEE: “Please. All right. All right, obviously, a clip from this particular program was run on Jimmy Kimmel’s show, whenever Aaron brought up the list, then Jimmy mocked him for it, and Aaron has not forgotten about that. But here we are, sitting right in front of that nice bottle of scotch. What do you say, ‘I’m waiting to celebrate something?’”
RODGERS: “Oh yeah.”

(Via Mediaite)

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