
Abby Phillip: Stormy Daniels Seemed to Have a Personal Vendetta Against Trump

‘This is a concocted case, too dirty him up before the election to make him seem bad in front of the American public’
By Grabien Staff


PHILLIP: “However, I do think Stormy Daniels, the way that she conveyed that, you know, Trump is going to make the argument -- and I don‘t know what his lawyers are going to do, but he‘s already been making the case this is a concocted case to dirty him up before the election, to make him seem bad in front of the American public, even though there‘s no legally illegal thing that happened here. That‘s his argument. I don‘t know that Stormy Daniels helped the prosecutors in batting that down, because she seemed to have a personal vendetta against him. It may be justified, but that‘s what it seemed like based on her testimony."

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