
ABC’s Stephanopoulos, Raddatz on Trump Assassination Attempt: ‘Trump and His Supporters Have Contributed to This Violent Rhetoric’

‘And let’s remember January 6th’
By Grabien Staff


STEPHANOPOULOS: "You pointed out those statements from J.D. Vance and Vivek Ramaswamy. Of course, President Trump and his supporters have contributed to this violent rhetoric as well."

RADDATZ: "Absolutely, George. We were just looking back this morning at some of the things that former President Trump has said. He warned last March of potential death and destruction if he were charged by the Manhattan district attorney, 'Our country is being destroyed as they tell us to be peaceful.' Trump in January warned of bedlam in the country if the criminal charges against him succeeded. And of course, in March he said, 'Now, I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it.' He said he was partly joking and that that was taken out of context, but those are indeed his words. And you have heard it from supporters as well, and supporters are certainly, in some parts, angry. And let’s remember January 6th.”

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