
Acosta: Admin Officials Are Warning Trump that He’s Probably Going To Be Impeached

‘But a source said aides are divided over the subject, as some are reassuring the president that Nancy Pelosi is placating Democrats and won’t drive the process toward an impeachment vote’


ACOSTA: "Now, sources familiar with internal deliberations over the last few days involving Mr. Trump and top advisers about his call with Ukraine's leaders say aides to the President have warned him he faces the real likelihood of being impeached but a source said aides are divided over the subject as some are reassuring the President that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is just placating Democrats and won’t ultimately drive the process toward an impeachment vote. Now, as for the subject of impeachment, we should put this up on screen, a new CNN poll shows the public is becoming more open to the idea with 47 percent saying they support impeaching and removing the President from office."

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