
Actor Dennis Quaid on Donald Trump: ‘People Might Call Him an A**hole But He’s My A**hole’

‘I really feel that he is working for the American people’
By Grabien Staff


QUAID: “You know, what he did with Korea, with rocket baby, the way he defeated ISIS in three weeks. You know, people don’t even remember, it happened so fast. What he — how he stood up for us overseas and — China and the way he responded to China, he stands up to people and he’s — that’s what makes him a leader rather than — what I, I kind of compare it to what was going on in Jimmy Carter’s administration where we were trying to be everybody’s friend and pal. And there’s some evil people and bad actors in this world. And so, you know, it might, people might call him an a**hole, but he’s my a**hole.”

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