
To Address Skyrocketing Inflation, Biden Threatens New Taxes: ‘I’m Deadly Earnest’

‘All I’m asking is for the largest corporations and the wealthiest Americans to begin to pay their fair share of taxes’
By Grabien Staff


BIDEN: “Look, we can do all this. I’m asking — all I’m asking is for the largest corporations and the wealthiest Americans to begin to pay their fair share in taxes.
(Cheering and Applause)
I'm deadly earnest. Anybody out there think the tax system is fair, raise your hand. Look, under my plan, I made this commitment in the beginning and nothing has changed, no one making less than $400,000 a year will pay a single solitary penny more in federal taxes, nobody. 
But we’ll no longer have a situation where 55 of the largest Fortune 500 companies made $40 billion the last — each year over the last two years, and paid zero." 

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