
Adrienne Elrod: Independent Voters Are Moving Towards Biden and Not Trump

‘A new Bloomberg poll came out that shows President Biden is beating Donald Trump in several major battleground states’
By Grabien Staff

ELROD: "Yeah, thank you so much for having me, it is great to be with you again. A couple of things, first I am glad you mentioned independent voters because what we thought after the debate is that independent voters mcmartin were President Biden then Donald Trump pick they moved away from them, they moved toward President Biden. We put this data out in our own polling, we release that information. We also saw today a new bloomberg poll came out that shows President Biden is beating Donald Trump in several major battleground states. Is up five in Michigan, up three points in Wisconsin, he is essentially running neck and neck and other battleground states with Donald Trump, so the bottom line is, while we might hear the pundits and people on TV and some of the media saying that President Biden should not move forward, that is it direct, stark contrast to what the American voters want. We are seeing independence live in our direction. We also saw after the debate, eight polls came out showing that the race is essentially tied, that we are within the margin of error. I think it is important to keep that in context. That being said, President Biden, I don’t know how many times he has to say it caminos the debate was not his best night. That is why he is calling members of Congress, calling governors and mayors. That is why he is having conversations with some of the cochairs on our campaign reassuring them, making sure they understand he knows he did not have the best night but that he also is the best person to take on Donald Trump. He beat us Donald Trump in 2020, he’s going to beat him again in 2024, and by the way, since 2020, President Biden has a real record to run on because he has done a lot as president of the United States, created over 15.5 million jobs. Record unemployment, record GDP growth. We could go on and on. The bottom line is, he is the best person to take this in he’s going to keep doing his job, going on the campaign trail, is going to subpoena to Malcolm he will be out on the campaign trail taking his case directly to the voters and that is where his focus is going to be."

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