
AG Garland Does Not Know if He’s Investigating Who Leaked Hunter Biden Probe Info to the WaPo

‘I don’t know the answer’
By Grabien Staff


JORDAN: "October 6, 2022, 'Washington Post' writes a story about the Hunter Biden investigation. I'm just -- I wonder, you investigated who leaked that information to 'The Washington Post?'"
GARLAND: "I don't know the answer to that question."
JORDAN: "Has it been -- has -- has it been referred to the inspector general, do you know that?"
GARLAND: "I don't want my answer to suggest that there is or isn't such an investigation. I know that the -- that the inspector general sent a letter to Congress explaining that there was -- that he had an ongoing assessment with respect to the whistleblowers' charges. I don't know if that's what you're referring to."


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