
AG James: ‘I Will Not Fear Donald Trump; I Have Steel in My Backbone’

‘I will not dignify his comments’
By Grabien Staff


JAMES: "This is a state case. We are confident in the state of New York that we will recover over $450 million for the residents of the great state of New York. He’s engaged in name-calling but unfortunately the reality is I will not dignify his comments and I will not amplify his racism and sexism. We’ve got to focus on issues. Americans are struggling right now. Inflation has gone down under the leadership of Biden and right now we are experiencing one of the lowest unemployment rates in history. And it’s critically important that the number of illegal border crossings has come to one of the lowest points again because of pathways that President Biden and vice president Harris have created through executive order that Republicans oppose. We have an opportunity to create bipartisan immigration but Donald Trump killed it for political purposes. Again, I will not fear Donald Trump. I have steel in my backbone and the reality is, I will not allow this person, Donald Trump who unfortunately is a broken man, to get in the way of progress and separate us.”

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