
Alyssa Milano: The Outcome Would Have Been Different If Katie Hill Was a Man

‘I really appreciate Katie Hill and where she was coming from in resigning but I do wish that she would have fought a little harder’
By Grabien Staff


MILANO: “I don’t feel it was the right move. I feel there is incredible hypocrisy goes on and if Katie Hill were a man who was in a con sensual relationship with another man and a woman that this would be a very different outcome. There’s indicted criminals in Congress on the Republican side. People like Duncan Hunter who still have a seat and yet we have accepted a resignation from a really, really good congresswoman, a really bright woman for what she does in her private time that was consensual. So I don’t feel it was fair and I really — I really appreciate Katie Hill and where she was coming from in resigning but I do wish that she would have fought a little harder. I would have fought by her side.”

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