
Ana Navarro: ‘Dumb J.D. Vance Is Pretty Weird’

‘We’re being really kind and gracious by just calling you weird’
By Grabien Staff


NAVARRO: “So I think we’re being really kind and gracious by just calling you weird and frankly J.D. Vance, ‘Just Dumb Vance,’ is pretty weird. (Laughter) Because he’s —“ (Applause)
GOLDBERG: “Where did you get that from?”
NAVARRO: “No, no. I tweeted it out two days ago.”
GOLDBERG: “Where — yes, but where did you hear it the first time?”
NAVARRO: “Well I heard it from you today.”
GOLDBERG: “Well you heard it from me last week.”
HAINES: “You?”
FARAH GRIFFIN: “I heard it, yeah.”
GOLDBERG: “Oh, yeah.”
NAVARRO: “I — I — I did it.”
GOLDBERG: “Mm-hmm.”


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