
Ana Navarro: I Hope George Stephanopoulos Asks Biden ‘Do You Have Early-Stage Alzheimer’s?’

‘I believe that Joe Biden has proven himself to be a truthful person’
By Grabien Staff


NAVARRO: “Ok. But the way — the way to solve this, Pamela, I hope that tomorrow in that interview he does with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News, he — number 1, clearly explains what happened last Thursday night. Was it a perfect storm of jet lag, of over-preparation, of too much on the schedule, of being 81 years old and losing a step. And number 2, I want to know whether this was a one night or whether he knows he has a medical condition. And I believe that Joe Biden has proven himself to be a truthful person and that if he gets asked directly, do you have early-stage Alzheimer’s? Do you have early-stage dementia? Has a doctor told you that you have a condition or was this just an 81-year-old being an 81-year-old, he will tell us the truth. I hope he gets asked those questions directly. I hope he answers them directly.”

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