
Andrew Yang: Trump Hasn’t Attacked Me Yet Because ‘He Knows I’m Actually Better at the Internet’

‘And though I started out an unlikely candidate, I am now sixth in national polls’

>> How does this feel for you to be — I mean, you are not a well known person a couple years ago.
>> No. Nobody knew who Andrew Yang was, I know.
>> How does that feel?
>> It feels really great because we are waking up to the fact that there’s nothing stopping a majority of citizens of a democracy from improving our own lives. Actually, that’s the only way it’s going to happen. If you go to, you will see I have over 150 policies trying to solve all sorts of problems. A lot of them we can get done very, very quickly after I’m president.
>> Do you think people take it seriously enough? Part of the thing is that you’re such an unlikely candidate that people, they’re not shooting at you. Even Donald Trump doesn’t have a bad name for you yet.
[ Laughter ] Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
>> Well, Donald Trump hasn’t messed with me online because he knows I’m actually better at the Internet than he is.
[ Laughter ]
[ Applause ] And though I started out an unlikely candidate, I am now sixth in national polls. I’ve made every debate. We are one of only a couple of campaigns that has been consistently growing. Democrats around the country are trying to figure out who’s the best candidate to take on Donald Trump. When they realize that I am peeling off hundreds of thousands of affected Trump voters as well as libertarians in addition to Democrats, they are going to realize that I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump in 2020.
>> Yeah.
>> You know, help me understand a couple things here. First of all online you are growing but a lot of people thought there was a conspiracy to keep you invisible. I got just killed like why are you trying to erase it?
>> Let yang speak.
[ Laughter ]
>> Do you feel like there is a reluctance in the part of the media to give you your opportunities? Do you feel like you’re being made invisible in any way?
>> Big picture, the media’s treatment of us I think has been colored by the fact that they just didn’t know what to do with me. And I’m not going to knock them for that. But now it’s indisputable that I’m one of the top six or seven candidates in the race that we’re going to be here the whole time that we have the resources to play all the way through 2020. But I’m happy to say now the media’s woken up to that fact.

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