
AOC: Sen. Menendez Should Resign, Details in Indictment Are ‘Extremely Serious’

‘The situation is quite unfortunate’
By Grabien Staff


OCASIO-CORTEZ: "Well, I think it's — the situation is quite unfortunate, but I do believe that it is in the best interest for Senator Menendez to resign in this moment. As you mentioned, consistency matters. It shouldn't matter whether it's a Republican or a Democrat. The details in this indictment are extremely serious. They involve the nature of — of not just his, but all of our seats in Congress. And while, you know, as a Latina, there are absolutely ways in which there is systemic bias, but I think what is here in this indictment is quite clear. And -- and I believe is in the best interest to maintain the integrity of the seat. I want to emphasize that all people are — they must be extended the presumption of innocence until proven guilty."

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