
AOC Spends Almost Three Minutes Trying to Explain Her Calls for a ‘Ceasefire’ After Hamas Terrorist Attack

‘I think what is important to note about a ceasefire is that it’s not one-sided’
By Grabien Staff


OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Well, I think what is important to note about a ceasefire is that it's not one-sided. Hamas has been sending thousands of rockets into Israel as well. And what is important for us to identify our goal in terms of what safety means, in terms of what defense means. And I think it --“
PHILLIP: “But, if I may, Congresswoman, I think the position from Israel's perspective is that there is already an attack and Hamas already committed an attack. After that happened, do you really believe that they should not respond to that?”
OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I think what is important, in terms of response, is Israel does have a right to self-defense. I think what we need to take a look at in this situation is if collective punishment qualifies as defense, if the blockade on water, food, electricity, if the dropping of white phosphorus, which is an indiscriminate weapon, qualifies. So, I do believe that there is a discussion to be had here. I don't believe that an either/or approach is what is necessary, but we should identify what our goal, is which is the cooling of tensions in the region.”

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