
Ashley Allison Battles Betsy McCaughey on Equity: ‘Just Because You Talk So Much Doesn’t Make You Right’

‘A conversation is that you listen... ‘
By Grabien Staff


ALLISON: "Let me tell you what I want. What I want is — "

McCAUGHEY: "I'm not telling you what you want. But white women voters don‘t want that to happen to their husbands and sons."

ALLISON: "You just said — no, that‘s not what they want. I‘m a part of that 'they.'"


ALLISON: "And what I‘m saying — yes."

McCAUGHEY: "We said, white women."

ALLISON: "No, what I am saying right now is that I believe in equity. And when I say equity, I want everyone to have a fair level playing field. I do not want — "

McCAUGHEY: "That's not the definition of equity. Take a look at Kamala Harris‘ — "

ALLISON: "If you would let me finish — "

McCAUGHEY: " — 2020 campaign ad — "

PHILLIP: "Let’s let Ashley — "

ALLISON: "Just because you talk so much doesn‘t make you right. Okay? A conversation is that you listen, you actually hear what somebody says, and then we have a discourse. Just talking over someone doesn‘t make your point any stronger.”

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