
Attorney Michael Moore: Proof of Trump Falsifying Records ‘Has Not Been Accomplished Yet’

‘The prosecutor has to put some meat on the bone’
By Grabien Staff


MOORE: "Well, her testimony was important because it starts to connect some of the dots and that is, can you actually put a pin in Donald Trump‘s hand, can you put a check in his hand under his signature? But that really is not the crux of the government‘s case. The case deals with has he falsified records as it relates to federal election law? And so, that has not been accomplished yet. So, they‘re moving that way to it. I mean, this is a paper case. Paper cases are not inherently interesting. This one is a little different because of it involves a former president. But the prosecutor has to put some meat on the bone. They‘ve sort of started building out a little bit of the flesh and they‘re getting that way, but they‘re going to have to now go from he knew about the checks, he signed the checks, over to he actually was involved and gave some direction as it relates to these false business records that are at issue in the indictment."

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