
Barrasso: To See Janet Yellen Bowing Repeatedly to China Is Embarrassing

‘Is emblematic of this administration’
By Grabien Staff


BARRASSO: "Joe Biden is playing right into the hands of communist China. Never again can we allow ourselves as a nation to be dependent upon them for anything. And to see Secretary Yellen there, bowing down repeatedly in China, it's embarrassing and it's emblematic of this administration. You know, just a couple of days before she got there, they choked off the supply of key minerals that we need for semiconductors, for solar panels. These are the people that are stealing our trade secrets, they are buying up our farmland, they are killing our citizens with fentanyl. This foreign policy, it's a national security disaster. We ought to be less dependent, we ought to be diversifying our supply chain. Instead, the president is making it worse. He is shutting off mining for critical minerals in the United States while forcing people to buy expensive electric cars. He is making us poor. He is making China richer. And it's going to get worse next week when he sends John Kerry to China to continue this surrender."

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