
Bartiromo to Ramaswamy: ‘Are You Willing to Take a Job in a Trump Administration?’

‘Do you think these legal issues will stop Trump?’
By Grabien Staff


BARTIROMO: "That’s a beautiful sentiment. Are you willing to take a job in a Trump Administration should he ask, should it go that way? Do you think these legal issues will stop Trump?"
RAMASWAMY: "So, I’ll answer all those questions frankly. I think that I’m not a plan B person, Maria. I didn’t get to where I am, I’m 38 years old, I’ve founded multiple multibillion dollar companies, we’re blessed with the American dream to be able to self-finance and lift this presidential campaign up. I didn’t get where I am, Apoorva didn't get where she is by being plan B people. So I’m actually confident we’re going to overdeliver massively at the Iowa caucus.”

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