
Basil Smikle on Ga. Election Case: Trump Is ‘Trying to Defame’ Willis

‘It‘s A about discrediting her and B about as we talked about prolonging this’
By Grabien Staff


SMIKLE: "Well, I think it‘s very much about that. And you touched on that in the lead-up to this segment, that there are two issues here. One that Trump is trying to defame the district attorney. She‘s he‘s trying to sort of bring back to light a lot of what we heard in those hearings over those few days. It was messy nobody really wanted to hear that and go through that. But he wants to be able to bring a lot of that up again. So it‘s A about discrediting her and B about as we talked about prolonging this because you‘ll have more opportunity to say to his supporters, look, they‘re coming after me, but I‘m going to continue to fight for you."

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