
Begala: Trump Should’ve Done a Rally in Iowa Instead of an Interview with Tucker on a ‘Failing Platform’

‘Not sitting around whining with Tucker Carlson’
By Grabien Staff


BEGALA: “I think Kirsten is right, he's making the right decision not to come to the debate. I think he’s making the wrong decision the way he selected his counter-programming. He’s going on with a fired talk show host on a failing platform. He’s Donald Trump. He should have a rally. That’s what he does best. Not sitting around whining with Tucker Carlson. He needs to go to Iowa the first day, have a big rally, and he would blow out the debate. That’s me as a strategist. I’m not pro-Trump, obviously. I don’t support the guy. But he seems like he’s being more interested in being petulant and punishing Fox News, right, going on Twitter with their ex-star. What he ought to do is worry about winning the election, not about punishing Fox News."

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